Easy Ways to Reduce Your Electricity Consumption

We are sharing some simple electricity-saving suggestions to assist you to reduce your energy use in your homes and places of business. The following tips will help you save money on your energy bill:

Set the air conditioner and refrigerator temperature to the manufacturer’s recommendation:

For air conditioners, easy routine maintenance, such as replacing or cleaning air filters, can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption.

Always try to unplug your smartphone battery chargers when not in use

Consider switching to energy-efficient light bulbs:

The majority of standard light bulbs in our houses absorb over 95% of the energy supplied since they generate a lot of heat, while only 5% is helpful for providing light. When compared to Halogen incandescent bulbs, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), and light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs), we see a substantial reduction in electricity consumption of 25-80 percent and a lifespan of 3 to 25 times that of typical bulbs. Replace or use traditional light bulbs infrequently. It is quite wasteful to leave them on for extended periods of time. Also, turn off light bulbs when not in use to save energy.

Limit the usage of water heaters:

Your energy bill will likely have water heating as a major contributor to your total energy consumption. Try to use less hot water or turn down the thermostat on your water heater alternatively, always make purchases of only energy-efficient water heaters.

Purchase only energy-efficient appliances:

Non-energy-efficient appliances also account for a large amount of energy consumed in our homes, offices. Always ensure energy-efficient appliances are installed. When not in use always turn off lights and electrical appliances.

Consider using power strips to plug your home electronics

Try using power adaptors and extension boards to reduce energy consumption, always turn off power adaptors and extensions when equipment is not in use. You’ll stop these devices from using energy when idle with one convenient switch.
