Google Lens on Chrome Desktop Now Includes Translate, Copy Text and Image Source Features

In the desktop version of Chrome, Google has added extra features to the Google Lens app. It can now perform more complex image searches than before. It now includes Text, Translate, and Find picture source features in addition to the Search feature.

The Google app for mobile phones has had these and other features for quite some time. This update’s release date is unknown. Chrome for Windows, Chrome OS, and Mac users now have access to the additional features.

Three new options appear on the Google Lens search result page in Chrome for desktop. The Text tool detects text in images automatically and allows you to choose any amount of text. The selected text can then be copied or listened to.

It can also be used to launch a new Google search or be opened individually on the Google Translate website. A specialized Translate tool is also available, which exposes a UI identical to the mobile app. Google Lens is programmed to recognize the language automatically. You can, however, choose the language pairings manually.

You can go to Google Images using the Find image source feature. This option is thought to have been added to address the issue caused by Google Lens completely replacing the Image Search option. This application allows you to search for results by uploading a picture or screenshot of a webpage to Google Images.
