WhatsApp Allows Chatting With Unsaved Contacts

WhatsApp’s latest update adds the capability to look for and start conversations with contacts that have not yet been saved. Although WhatsApp short link required users to enter the phone numbers into the browser.

With the new feature, WhatsApp Allows Chatting With Unsaved Contacts, users may look up and initiate conversations with phone numbers that aren’t already in their address books.

With this update it is still unclear if WhatsApp may snoop on your call or text message logs specifically, or if it can access the phone numbers of all WhatsApp users.

The WhatsApp Chatting With Unsaved Contacts could come in handy if you get a call from someone you haven’t saved in your phone’s address book but would rather communicate with them on WhatsApp or if you just want to verify their identification by looking at their profile picture.

For example, “when users receive calls from unknown phone numbers, they often save contacts in their address book so they can identify them by checking their WhatsApp profile photos, but they may forget to remove these contacts later,”

The WhatsApp Chatting With Unsaved Contacts, will also help users to easily screen unknown numbers, will improve customers’ privacy.

With the WhatsApp Chatting With Unsaved Contacts feature, you can just start a new conversation and look for a phone number that hasn’t been saved to see if the feature is available on your smartphone.

WhatsApp Chatting With Unsaved Contacts is not a search engine, but rather a smart feature from WhatsApp that helps you find a person who is not already in your address book so that you can start a conversation with them.

How to get WhatsApp Chatting With Unsaved Contacts

  • You can have the new feature enabled by updating your app.